Isteri PELIK Suami Tidak Mahu Bergambar Bersama… Rupa-Rupanya Segalanya TERJAWAB Apabila Isteri Terlihat…
Isteri PELIK Suami Tidak Mahu Bergambar Bersama… Rupa-Rupanya Segalanya TERJAWAB Apabila Isteri Terlihat… | Kehidupan suami isteri tidak dinafikan akan berhadapan dengan pelbagai cubaan, tetapi apa yang paling mengecewakan ialah pasangan kita curang dengan darah daging sendiri. Inilah kisah yang dikongsi oleh seorang isteri berkenaan suaminya curang dengan adik kandungnya.
“Assalammualaikum….saya harap kisah saya ini akan menjadi teladan buat isteri2 di luar sana..suami saya curang dgn adik kandung saya sndri..mmg saya rasa sedih, mara, kecewa sgt sbb saya percya dekat mereka berdua..
Saya tahu mungkin ada isteri yg mengalami situasi yg lebih teruk dr saya..sepanjang saya menjadi isterinya saya dilayan seperti tunggul yg xad perasaan..semua yg saya nk lakukan dgn die tak boleh..smpai nk simpan gmbr kami berdua pon tak boleh..kne sorok Jgn smpai adik saya nampak..keluar berdua memang tak boleh..sbb adik saya akn marah suami saya dn suami saya akn marah saya..yela stress bergaduh dgn makwe..
Allah tu maha adil..saya dpt baca wassup mereka berdua..hancur hati saya tgk dorang berwassup cmtu..pergi bercuti sibuk msg adik saya bg laporan..dh smpai mana..dekat mana..isteri mana yg akn rasa gembira ble diperlakukan cmni..saya pon ad perasaan..saya sedih sebab adik saya tak pernah pikir pasal kakak die ni..
Kerana kesilapan dorang saya yg merana..saya mmg tak dilayan cm seorang isteri patut dilayan..salah saya jgk sbb saya tak pernah nk suarakan hak saya sebagai isteri..terlalu takot nk bersuara smpai kne tipu hidup-hidup dgn org yg saya percaya..saya sudah berpisah dgn suami saya..dan saya pon x tau dorang masih lagi berhubung atau tidak..
Adik saya ckp sbb suami saya dh xad perasaan kt saya tp layakah saya dilyn cm Bkn isteri die hnya sbb dh xada perasaan..mmg saya hnya menangis spnjg perkahwinan ini..saya mohon hanya Allah sahaja yg dpt membalas ape yg dorang buat kt saya ni”.
Liability insurance is an important aspect of an insurance policy as it will help to protect the business from various losses. For example, claims could be made against personal injury or property damage caused by employees, products or services. Business crime insurance is vital to have some protection in the case of forgery, theft, fraud or robbery. Such criminal activity can have a devastating impact on a business, and such crimes (especially online fraud) have become much more prevalent in the last five years, as the majority of businesses have an online component. Cargo and transportation features should be included if the business is involved in any type of haulage of goods. This will cover against goods that are lost or damaged during transportation (whether delivering or receiving goods). Workers compensation insurance should be a key component of a business insurance policy. This will ensure that the medical needs of the employees are met, should they go through an accident or disease. It will aid them in a quicker return to work where possible, while also protecting the business from potential lawsuits from current or past employees. When comparing insurance providers and premiums in Denver, look for the reputation and experience of the insurer as well as the speed of payout. It is also important to know the speed at which the claim will be handled, as this could drag the business into financial difficulties. Comprehensive insurance for your business is vital in the current economic climate to protect the organization and employees. However, each business has very specific needs, and they can vary from one year to the next. For this reason, an annual review of the insurance coverage is highly recommended to fully cover the business assets. In this sense, an insurance agent in Denver is very useful and can save a business money in the long term.
Sumber : BeritaViral16
Sumber : Jamgetah
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